Thursday, October 27, 2011

Insta-Friday 9

Picnik collage1
1. some of my freshman recruits at homecoming.
2. my bff and I representing pledge class 16 at our sorority alumni breakfast.
3. my new hair!

Picnik collage2
4.  my hotel this week - isn't that a weird spot for a plug? handy though!
5. my favorite spot in fredericksburg, tx
6. high school lunch visit. we bribe!

Picnik collage3
7. tootsie pie co in fredersickburg. chicken salad sandwich and pecan pie. oh my.
8. sweet german pretzel later that day. must. find. recipe.

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9. outfits like this ease my fear of no cute clothes for boys.
10. and wrapping the week up with a stuck credit card. fun!

check out insta friday with life rearranged for more sneak peeks! and if you have a camera phone, you should join in!
life rearranged



  1. Oh no, stuck credit card!! The chicken salad sandwich and pecan pie look sooooooooo yummy!! Love your hair!

  2. Fun pics! I LOVE chicken salad sandwiches. And that delicious looking pastry is a pretzel? (Why do I always gravitate towards the food pics??)

  3. Whoa... stuck credit card?? for reals?? I hope you got it out!

    all that food.. now skipping lunch is seeming like a bad idea...

    GREAT post! :o)


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