I wish you could have seen our whole weekend on camera. It has been wonderfully relaxing and all kinds of funny. First off, we were lucky enough to get some much needed rain. Not just rain, but a non-stop down pour for about 24 hours. It did put a slight damper on the preview day we had for prospective students to look at our university, but we got most of the day done before the rain started and Texas needs it so bad, we're certainly not going to complain to God for finally sending it our way!
You need to know about the down pour of rain to understand my first story. My friend Kelly hosted a couple's Pampered Chef party on Saturday night. They live about 10ish minutes out of town, so we made plans for our friends Josh and Sarah to pick us up to ride out there together. Josh had a pretty good parking spot at Kelly's house and once we hopped out of the truck Cody and I both took off running, as to get inside quick to get try and stay as dry as possible.
The run happened in slow motion. I had a narrow path between a truck and the lawn, which was somewhat of a small lake. As I moved sideways to dodge the truck mirror, I was thrown off balance and knew that I would fall, so I stuck my right foot out to justbarely touch the yard and continue on my merry way. Unfortunately, that tiny spot on the yard that I touched was actually pure mud. My foot went down about 5 inches and my shoe stayed in the hole. Josh, Sarah, Cody and I were rolling with laughter as I then had to hop to the front of the house and use a puddle to wash off. I learned my lesson: I'll move slow and get wet to stay out of the mud!
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Josh and Sarah were sweet enough to pretend like I'm not that crazy friend they can't take out in public and invited us to lunch today at the Country Club with their parents. Apparently we are all kinds of fancy at our club, as they serve caviar!
I'm rather adventurous when it's comes to eating, so I knew I couldn't pass up on this opportunity! Sarah knows about this here blog and indulged in taking a few pictures for me:
It's super salty! The first piece I had didn't have that much on it, so I tasted the saltiness but it wasn't too overwhelming. The next piece {because Josh wasn't eating it and I didn't document the first for the blog!} had a lot more on it and was just a tad too much for my taste. So now I can say I've had it... but I probably can live without!
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I'm lucky to have a travel companion this week: the hubby!
We made it to the big city tonight and set up our booth, {as we're both working on the road} checked into our hotel and then headed to get dinner at Boston's Pizza. I noticed a few tables when we came in, including a big table of people in Ranger's shirts. I remember thinking they were probably disappointed that the game was canceled today due to a rain delay, but I didn't really pay much attention to anything else.
As we sit down to the table, Cody is practically giddy. "Abby, I think we just passed Elvis Andrus!" If your reaction is "Who?" don't worry, I did too. For you non-Texans/don't follow baseball people, he's quite the star for the Texas Rangers. We start googling pictures, trying to figure out if it's him, so finally I ask our waitress and it's confirmed: we had a baseball star in our presence!
I have never seen my husband so excited. So excited, in fact, that when he meant to tweet: "I'm pretty sure I'm sitting in the same restaurant as Elvis Andrus" he actually tweeted "I'm pretty sure I'm sitting in Elvis Andrus." I couldn't breath I was laughing so hard!
And because I have no shame when it comes to cool things for the blog, I used it as an excuse for us to go over and talk with him to get a picture.
He seemed like a nice guy and we're thankful for the story. Here's hoping we're cheering the Rangers on to the World Series!
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So that's a small summary of our weekend! Did you do anything fun?
Oh, I'm so jealous y'all met Elvis! He's such a cutie!