Thursday, October 9, 2008

dooce would shun me...

I've spent the week traveling around the West Texas area to several college fairs. I love some of the aspects of talking to kids at college fairs, and other times, it's just awkward.

Like last night, when a girl and her mom walk up, and the girl is holding her 4 month old baby. I also noticed that the girl has a pretty nice wedding ring on, and through the course of our converstation I think that she is telling me she's a already in college and is going to be transferring. (The fair last night was held at a college campus so I wasn't crazy for thinking this). So then I say, oh yes you could transfer over, are you in school right now? (and by school I'm meaning college) and she says, yes, I'm a senior. And I had a blank confused look on my face as I looked at the baby and the wedding ring, and then it clicked oh yes she's still in high school..It was awkward.

In other news, I did make a purchase yesterday that I never really thought I would. CROCS. I know, I know. But I do have to say, these are THE CUTEST CROCS I have ever seen. I carried them into my fair last night and slipped them on once I was hidden behind the table and they were a lifesaver for my feet... they really are as comforterable as every on says they are! So without further ado... the cutest Crocs ever!

I should be running right now as a part of the couch to 5k program, but when I checked out the workout room the treadmill is right in front of the door. The door with a big glass window. So that when everyone walks by the will get to see my bottom. Hum... does this sound like a nightmare to anyone else? Yeah I agree. So that is why my couch to 5k will be delayed for this week.

This weekend is Homecoming at HSU, and then Cody and I leave on Sunday for another recruiting trip. Yep, the hubs gets to come with me on this one! We're excited about a mini-3 day vacation together, even if we will be working!


  1. I love the crocs. They are so comfortable, I don't know what I would have done without them when I was pregnant. And now, I still wear them. We miss you over here. Thanks for the picture comment.

  2. Ok, first, LU_HUV the new blog look. So cute. Did you do that yourself?!

    Also, seriously coveting those shoes! Where did you find them? And if you'll go get me a pair I will pay you back...That is, if you're ok with us having the same shoes :)

  3. Also, at some point I really think Dooce will give in to The Crocs when she sees how cute they're making them these days...Think how awesome *that* post on her site will be :)

  4. Those are cute crocs! I've also done the couch to 5K program and it works great! Are you using Robert Ullery's podcasts? They make it so much easier.


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