Tuesday, April 29, 2008

oh yes, i blog.

cody so lovingly reminded me tonight that i haven't blogged in a while. so here you are, an update for all who have been waiting (hi mom!)

a few weeks ago i wrote all that i had to do in the next few weeks, which went something like this:
write an 18 pg exegisis
write a book review for a book i didn't read
write a theology paper
address 13,000 invitations
take bridal portraits
go home every weekend in may
oh yes, and pass my old testament class.

yes. i added stuff to the list. it's my blog.

here's an updated version of that list:
write an 18 pg exegisis
write a book review for a book i didn't read
write a theology paper
address 13,000 12,500 invitations
take bridal portraits
go home every weekend in may
oh yes, and pass my old testament class.

you see if my fiance and i knew something about computers those underlines would actually be going through the words. guess we need to go buy a copy of blogging 101 for dummies.

tonight for class, (which the unfinished book review and theology paper are due for) we, and by we maybe i mean i was the stupid one to ask, asked what exactly the theology paper needed to look like. to which the professor replied that we should have been working on it all semester long -interest astonished faces here- and it is not a project to be done in just a week. ok good, i was only planning on one night, how does that sound?

long drawn out story short, the professor told us we don't have to do the paper. now imagine 15 overwhelmed seminary students, trying to hide the smiles on their faces because this moment is what we all pray and dream will some day happen: we don't have to finish the hard assignment! all thanks to me and my simple question.

ok not really. the professor said he already debated it before the question. and for a short moment after i asked the question, i felt guilty as he was on his rent, but then i remembered: THIS IS THE MOMENT I PRAYED FOR!!!!!!!

and then i made a mental substrike
write an 18 pg exegisis
write a book review for a book i didn't read
write a theology paper
address 13,000 12,500 invitations
actually enjoy taking bridal portraits
go home every weekend in may
oh yes, and pass my old testament class.

thank you dr. lyle.

on another note. i have decided that when i grow up, i want my blog to be among the likes of dooce.com, pioneerwoman.com, bigmama.com... and type of woman.com apparently one of those requirements is to have nicknames for everyone you blog about. so currently i am in the process of nicknaming the fiance. tonight he mauled through a plate of tacos from rosas (tuesdays were made for tacos!) and when i commented on it he said, I AM THE DESTROYER OF TACOS! and tore off his shirt like the incredible hulk.. so until cody has his official nick name, he shall be referred to as the green d.o.t. (aka destroyer of tacos)

so please. my 4 faithful readers are not to grand about leaving comments, but for the sake of cody's nickname, leave suggestions. we may even have a poll. although if there are only four suggestions and you each vote for a different one.. well it could be a close call. so rack your brains for the sake of green d.o.t.

ok. i must go check another thing off the list. two da loo. don't know how to spell that but hooked on phonics worked for me.


  1. Oh Abby, thank you for the good laugh tonight. To make the strikethrough thing work, I think either < strike > or < s > should work (assuming this actually posted correctly, just take out the extra spaces - if not, I'll go post it on Facebook so you can see the code to use). Regarding the nickname, ummm, yeah, I've got nothing. Sorry, I'll try to think of one, but I'm not too good at nicknames. I call Russ "Bubba" and neither one of us can remember why. LOL!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Abby! I just discovered your blog and I love it :) You comment about driving home every weekend in May made me laugh because I had to do the same thing the December we got married. One weeknight before my shower I had to meet my MIL at Wishes and it apparently closes at 5-ish so I was traveling slightly over the speed limit when I was pulled over just before Dimmitt by a local cop. He asked why I was in such a hurry and I quickly explained the situation and how I just HAD to get to Hereford on time. He let me go with a warning saying that I should slow down so that I would actually arrive on my wedding day all in one piece, haha. I still think he was laughing as he walked back to his car...

    Good luck with all of the last minute plans and I know you'll look absolutely gorgeous on your wedding day!


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