Tuesday, October 14, 2014

31 Days - Winner Winner Chicken Dinner


Welcome to the easiest way to bless you minster during a super crazy time of their life.

First, a little background for you. This summer our church approved to renovate our Fellowship Hall into a new youth space. While a great amount of money was set aside for this, in order to save on some of the costs they hired some really cheap labor: the youth minister!  (no worries, the youth and some super handy men also helped!)  Even though we had two months to get it done, by the time camps and mission trips and all the other busy youth activities were finished, it left about two weeks before our church's 60th anniversary party, which was really the deadline to have it finished by.

Cody was working his tail end off to get it done. I had just started my job and was adjusting to everything I had on my plate, along with being the overly emotional mom about sending her baby to daycare (no worries, I got over this!)  I really was close to a breaking point and didn't think anything could get worse, until it did. Cody started having some abdominal pain on Thursday night and ended up in the ER Friday afternoon and was diagnosed with a really bad infection. He was given a shot and an antibiotic, but was told it just had to run it's course from there. He then spent the next week in pain, trying to work but basically was a dead man walking.

One Tuesday I was leaving work to go pick up G and head to the grocery store to try and piece something together when a church member walked in and handed me a rotisserie chicken. She said, "it's not much, but I know y'all have had a lot going on so I thought you could use it!" I'm pretty sure I actually teared up holding a chicken.  We ended up eating that chicken all week long and it really saved my sanity.

So, if your minister has a lot on his plate and it's causing his wife to get a little bit of a nervous twitch, pick up a chicken for them. It's guaranteed to make the week better!


see all 31 days here

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