Well, the Neinast family has gone through some big changes in the past week... I'm officially employed again! After a whirlwind few weeks, lots of meeting and a round of voting at our church, I am now the part time Children's Minister. On one hand, it happened very fast, but on the other, it's something that Cody and I have dreamed about and talked through the "what if this ever happened" for quite some time. Last June I filled in one Sunday morning and did the children's sermon during the church service. (where I ran in dressed in a rob, hair curlers, glasses and coffee mug, acting like I overslept and just got to church. the kids were speechless.) After that service I had a good friend tell me, "Girl, the Lord has already showed me that you're going to be our Children's Minister some day!" Since then I have repeatedly told Cody, "The only way I'm going back to work is if the perfect part- time job landed in my lap.. I'm not applying!" And finally, I've wanted Griff to participate in a Mother's Day Out Program, but it certainly wasn't in the cards for us financially. This new job is 100% an answer to all of those prayers! I am very excited about it and can't wait to hit the ground running in preparation for school to start!
(we don't have any wednesday night children activities during the summer, so I have a few weeks to prep before kids are actually "back.")
My new job status means that a certain someone starts daycare this week. Funny how I so wanted Griff to be able to go to MDO, but now that it's happening, I have major mixed emotions about it! Despite my momma guilt and thinking that he's going to think I'm abandoning him, I know Griffin is going to love it. He is such a social butterfly so I expect him to really thrive in his new setting. He'll go four days next week to help him get acclimated to the schedule and all of the teachers, but then he'll just go two days a week when I work.

This is Griff trying out his new nap mat. Every teacher and friend has guaranteed me that they will be able to get him to nap during the time frame, but I think he'll give them a run for their money! :)
I have always been irked to no end when parent's put up pictures of their kid's first day of "school" and it's a little two year old headed of to daycare. "Just call it what it is!!" I've ranted in my head multiple (oh so sadly multiple times.) Eat your words Abby Neinast. Now I'm sending my own kid there and everything else sounds stupid and not fun, so off to "school" we go.
Because Griff will be gone four days next week and I'm only working two, I've been anxiously planning what I'm going to do on my other days "off." Sadly, part of one will probably be spent whipping our house back into shape and doing some of the chores that never happen around here (washing little finger prints off of lots of windows, for instance.) But, part of it will include a manicure, pedicure, a few naps and potentially a massage. I fully expect to walk around with an angelic glow about me from all of the pampering I'm going to get.
it would tie this post up nicely if I had one last point about my new job, school or something of the likes, but I don't. So I'll leave you with this cutie instead. Safety first when cooking peeps!

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