2. We spent today working on the house. I've finally got a few boxes unpacked that were random things that just needed a place. Cody worked in the utility room for me and I'm so thankful for the progress he made! He pulled up the floor for me and organized the space so it's better functioning. We think the previous owners either kept a litter box in there or a cat made itself at home when no one lived here and it's reeked ever since we moved in. Pulling up the floor fixed the problem and I feel much more excited about doing laundry. Next on the list will be painting and making it a total fun space for me!
3. It is so much fun to watch Cody and Griffin play and I'm amazed that even at such a young age, he knows there's a difference in us as mom and dad. Griff loves to ruff house, wrestle, play chase and attack Cody. He giggles out of control when playing with him! I can try and do the exact same thing and he hardly responds to me, yet as soon as he falls and is crying, it's me he wants for comfort. Blows my mind that he gets our roles as parents so well!
4. I'm having trouble getting her blog to load right now, but if you haven't read this post by Boo Mama, go no! {I'll try to update the link in a bit once I know it starts working again.} You have to read the comments too. It's a whole list of music lyrical blunders that will have you rolling. My favorite so far was Taylor Swifts "22" - It feels like a perfect night, to dress up like hamsters. So. Great.
5. I am pretty decent at doing a weekly menu plan, but I'm tossing around the idea of menu planning for a month. Does anyone have any experience with this? I've come up with a few ideas that make the actual planning rather easy. I think I will either: 1) be doing themes for each week {Meatless Monday, Chicken Tuesday, Sandwich Thursdays, Leftovers for the weekend} then filling in a calendar with different recipes that fit those or 2) chose 16-20 recipes to cook over the course of a month and then have the freedom to choose a meal each night based off of what I'm feeling like eating. I think that either of these will work, but now I'm interested in learning more about shopping for a month or so at a time {except for milk and produce} to hopefully be nicer to our food budget. So if you have any experience with this or have seen a blog post about it, please send it my way!
6. I am so thankful that tomorrow is Sunday and we can finally start a new week. Between being gone for a week at church camp and then missing church because Griffin was sick, I seriously was so confused every single day this week. I spent all day Wednesday thinking it was Thursday, then when Cody told me on that day that he had the next day off, I asked, "Why do you have Tuesday off?" It was not my finest moment!

I meal plan for a month, and fill in a calendar, but know that we have the freedom to move things around within that time frame. However, I buy groceries in a two week span to accomodate paydays. I plan for leftovers, using freezer stash, stashing leftovers, and usually allow one or two nights for nothing(which means I don't cook and we usually eat nothing, or cereal) or ordering in. It's worked well to help cut our grocery bill almost in half. Some months are bigger depending on what we want to eat or if we have company, but saving the month before helps cover the extra most of the time.