We've had a rough week around here.
Cody got a call about 8:45 on Sunday night from our pastor letting him know that an 8th grader was killed in a 4 wheeler accident and the 8th grade driver could possibly be charged with reckless endangerment.
There's just nothing in the world that can prepare you for that type of news.
Cody has spent a good portion of both yesterday and today at the junior high talking with students and trying to help them work through this. Neither of the students that were involved in the accident attend our youth group, but one of our students was out riding with them and came upon the accident right after it happened.
With all of the seminary training we've both received, Cody summed it up perfectly when he said, "they don't tell you what to say to a 7th grader who saw his friend die."
Cody's working on preparing his lesson for tomorrow night and will be attending the funeral on Thursday. We'd appreciate prayers for wisdom, strength and the right words to share with students as we help them work through this tragedy.

We are praying for your youth group.