Last week we bit the bullet and had a big first around the Neinast household: we sent Griff away to the grandparents for the weekend! I met my mom in Lubbock on Thursday to do a little bit of shopping, see my sister-in-law and nephew, then to do the big exchange.
{cutest cousins on the block!}
Cody and I then spent the weekend working around the house, finally tackling our paint projects in the dining and living room.
We had a few hiccups with our projects, of course, but we did get the living room finished so I can now start hanging stuff on the wall and finish decorating. I love how the color turned out, but Cody couldn't help but laugh at me, as I said I was going to go with a neutral color palate for walls in our new house. Pretty neutral, don't ya think? :)
We were also able to get dressed up Saturday night to head out for a date at The Butcher's Block, which is a newer restaurant in town. Both of our meals were good, but my steak far out shined Cody's fried shrimp and catfish. We agreed that next time, we're both going for the steak.
Our church was so sweet to have a dessert and pounding as a welcome party for us. Instead of the traditional pounding where they actually bring items to stock your pantry, they did a gift card pounding for us so that as we need items, we can pick them up along the way. We were blown away by the generosity of the church and it only served as another confirmation that we are exactly where we are supposed to be!
Thankfully we got a few restaurant gift cards too, which will be great on the nights I don't want to cook!
We are now all home under one roof and still settling in to our new routine. Mr. Griff is a social butterfly and there when I first started staying home with him, I was worried that he was missing being around a lot of people and activity all day. Thankfully though, he seems to be adjusting just fine with his best friend Kota... though I'm not sure Kota likes having to share his toys! :)
{yes, I did let him "chew" on the bone long enough to take a picture. so different from the early days when we sterilized anything that touched the floor!}

Pounding. For those not "in the know" it sounds like an AWFUL way to welcome a new pastor. Ha ha! But a gift card pounding? Such a great idea and a fantastic update on a charming and generous tradition!