{internet, say hello to my husband's messy side of the room (mine is conveniently cropped out!) and super poor quality photo. it's all I got though!}
Size of Baby: According to Baby Center, Ten can now squint, frown, grimace, and possibly suck his thumb! Thanks to our 3D sono though, we know T is already doing that! Such a brainiac!} Thanks to brain impulses, T's facial muscles are getting a workout as the tiny features form one expression after another.
- Had a one day where I really could have gone to bed at 6:15, coupled with some major hunger that strikes right at 5:00, but other than that, feeling good! I actually had the energy to clean this weekend and Kota didn't know how to act around me. When your dog thinks it's odd that you're cleaning, you know it's been WAY TOO LONG!
Cravings/Aversions: I wanted Taco Bell so bad this week. I truly could taste it. Cody was sweet and said, "Well, at least it's a cheap craving!" I resisted though. {barely.}
Maternity Clothes: Today was my first official day to sport the Belly Band to work. So, while I'm technically still in my normal clothes, I'm definitely using some help to still fit into them :) As comfortable as the band is, I've been self conscious all day long. I'm just worried my pants are going to slip down! {Though, I certainly hope I would notice that happening!}
Sleep: Sleeping fine. Still having lots of bathroom breaks! Now that I'm entering my 2nd trimester, I'm having to give up sleeping on my back, which is probably the hardest adjustment I'm facing right now!
Highlights Of This Week:
-We did have a check up yesterday. Apparently, when you're a normal patient, you don't get sonograms every time. Huh, who knew? :) When they showed up to the room, Cody was like, "Where's the machine?!?" We did get to hear a nice strong heart beat though. And, as much as I love seeing T every week, it's nice to just be Abby Normal (name that reference people!)
Funniest Dream Of This Week:
- I have had several dreams where I have long hair that I have to fix/ pull back. As much as I love my short hair, it has been slightly disappointing when I've woken up in the mornings!
-I had a dream this week where Cody and I were about to go somewhere and I needed to put on my makeup before we left. I grabbed my MAC powder container and I can vividly remember that my powder was actually like broken up chip pieces of the Cheddar and Sour Cream Chips. (which I really did buy at the store this week!) I would rub my hand on the chips and then rub it on my face. The whole time I was telling Cody that it looked fine, but he informed me that I had an orange glow to me. Ha!
Looking forward to:
- Knowing that our Spring Break is just a few short work days away, and then we'll be on vacation! Woo hoo!

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