A Kindle.
For real y'all.
I am an avid reader, and my Kindle has seriously revolutionized my reading. {and I would never exaggerate!}
It is just so simple to use and even easier to carry. I've been working on packing my carry on for our trip and I keep feeling like I'm forgetting something because my bag isn't loaded down with 13 different books. I just have one, less the 3 pound book to keep up with and it is awesome!
My main concern when I got the Kindle was the cost of books. Normally, I am a "check them out of the library" kinda girl to save myself money. Because I do love reading so much and I can go through books rather quickly, I knew I needed to find a way to help cover my habit.
Enter Swagbucks.
Swagbucks is a search engine site (powered by Google I believe) that pays you to search. Basically, I type in what I'm looking for and you randomly get lucky and win Swagbucks. After you build up a good amount of 'bucks, you can cash them in for great prizes. My personal favorite is the $5 Amazon gift card, which only takes 450 Swagbucks to earn. If you're thinking that that sounds like, I've cashed in almost $100 in $5 Amazon gift cards.
Seriously, that's a FREE $100 that I've been able to use on my Kindle books! It has been the biggest blessing and made me a huge supported of Swagbucks!
If you're looking for a good way to support your reading habit, check out Swagbucks! You won't be disappointed!
{I realize I sound very sales- pitchy in this email. swagbucks has helped me to earn some nice fun money and I wanted to share!}

My mom got a kindle for her birthday from my grandmother! I will have to tell her about this, this is so cool.