Texas can be the biggest heartbreaker when it comes to weather. Last week we had beautiful skies and sunshiney days. Of course, as soon as Spring Break starts, it delivers a cold chill with it. It's been about 35-40 when we've left in the morning for work. I can't complain too much, because it has warmed up to 70's in the afternoon.
As we left work today, the weather was beautiful and Cody said he felt like running outside. I, of course, had no motivation to work out at all, whether it be in a gym or outdoors. I agreed to go home to "workout", knowing that I would probably forgo and clean the house. {does that show you how much I didn't want to work out?! I was willing to clean!!}
Despite my lack of motivation to do anything exercise related, I somehow found myself lacing up my shoes and heading out to run, mostly with the motivation to get it over. The last thing I expected when I was out running was to get hit with a huge dose of emotions. It started by listening to Sara Bareillis' "Uncharted" {which, in hindsight of reading they lyrics, are not nearly as moving as I thought!} Just thinking about the idea of how uncharted our future really is and how the relates to the here and now. One year ago today, my family and I finished wrapping up a tiring day of meeting with doctors and surgeons to go over the details for my surgery. We were headed to eat dinner, going through the motions to try and get ourselves through one of the longest nights of our lives.
One year ago, going out for a three mile run, no matter how slow or fast I did it, seemed nearly impossible. I had no idea how long my recovery would take or what exactly my recovery would entail. This past year has been uncharted, watching as every week and month milestone went by and we celebrated another victory. Last April, we celebrated when I was to walk for 10 minutes without stopping. In May, I was lucky enough to walk across stage to graduate with my Master's. In July, I finished my cardiac rehab and was released to exercise like I wanted. In September, we heard the best news of all to know that valve was no longer leaking and my right ventricle was back down to normal size.
It's a shame that it takes such a big event to really make you appreciate life. The ability to shop for groceries, the strength to carry your bags, taking a stroll around the block. Each month that has gone by has been such a gift that has accumulated to this week. And today, as I begrudingly went out for a run, I was so overwhelmed by the goodness of the Lord and the favor He has shown over me this year. I am so thankful for life; to feel the familiar beating in my heart; to see the scar on my chest that is a physical reminder of this journey I have been on.
I have grown more spiritually in the past year than I ever dreamed possible. I am so grateful for the lesson's the Lord has shown me about His healing power, His provision, and His constant companionship through any trial we face. I am just as thankful that He is also present in the celebrating and know that my Happy Heart day would not be possible tomorrow had it not been for Him.
I'm thankful to have this year as a part of me and know that there are so many wonderful things still to come. Here's to the uncharted...

What a year! Here's to the next year being even greater!