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Have you heard of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred? Apparently someone in the blog world threw down a challenge for a bunch of bloggers to do it together. It's a 20 minute workout that is supposed to transform your body in 30 days. I know what you're thinking. 20 minutes. How hard can it be?
I can't do justice to the pain that you feel in this 20 minute work out. Jillian doesn't scream at you like she does to the Biggest Loser contestants, but she makes me want to cry. Check out what Big Mama said about the 30 Day Shred. She captured my exact feelings with this post.
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Why am I doing the 30 Day Shred you ask? Because as of tomorrow, we only have THIRTY DAYS before we leave for Jamaica! Good thing I'm already on Day 2 of the Shred. So I will be perfectly cut and lean a whole whopping 2 days before we hit the beach. Now we're all praying that the Jamaicans don't shut down their island to Americans due to swine/H1V1/whatever new name appears next flu. I can't even tell you how crushed my heart would be if that happens.
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Cody and I had a milestone in our marriage tonight. We grilled chicken, had cooked veggies and garlic bread. That is not the milestone. Instead of taking the veggies straight out of the pan and onto our plates, I ACTUALLY PUT THEM IN A BOWL AND PUT THE BOWL ON THE TABLE. We're been married almost 10 months and this was a first. I felt like such an adult. And the cute polka dot bowl definitely inspired me to get my full servings of veggies.
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School is on the brink of being finished for the semester. I've finished going to all of my classes and only have one take home final left. Sadly, the final is supposed to be 13-15 pages when completed. I'm like, seriously professor? You're just as burned out from this semester as I am, and you're pretending like you're going to grade that many pages on all of us? BOGUS I say.
But I will do it. Not willingly though.
Remember when I talked about my health care ministry class and how getting in 26 hours of visiting hospital patients was going to kill me? Well, I got 24 1/2 of my 26 hours. But I know I got an A in the class. And that folks, is all that matters. It was a learning experience, and I'm thankful to say that the Lord is definitely not calling me to be a hospital chaplain.
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Ok. I think that's all of got for now. Come back soon to get the details on the May Madness that will be taking place at the Neinast household. You can even participate too!
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p.s. One last thing. I think I'm going to try to make homemade cinnamon rolls for church on Sunday! There's hope for my cooking skills yet!
Have a great week!

Good luck on the workouts I know you will kick tail!
ReplyDeleteHey girl...I love reading your blog!! Good luck on the cinnamon rolls-and I want the recipe! :)