While it's still technically an hour away from Thanksgiving, I wanted to go ahead and put up my Thanksgiving post just in case I don't have time to on the actual date. Today is a big day and I'm celebrating 3 things:
1. Happy Thanksgiving!
2. Happy Birthday Nathan, my older brother!
3. Happy One year anniversary at HSU!
The above list is just a few of many many things that I am so blessed to celebrate in my life. I know in my too-cool-for-school teenage years I didn't appreciate our family getting together at Thanksgiving and saying what we're thankful for, but as you age it really does begin to hit you with the realization of just how blessed you are. And obviously the you I was refering to was me. I have such a wonderful family who pulled out all the stops to make my wedding the dream I wanted it to be (and let me just say that my amazing brother and his perfectionist ways helped so much in the wedding planning and actual logistics that come with a wedding. It pays to have an event coordinator in your family!), I'm now apart of another wonderful family, I have a fabulous husband that would hang the moon for me, I've been a working girl for a full year and feel secure in my job and more importantly, love what I do and who I work with, and I have a great church family and kids that we love in our youth group. I love Thanksgiving becuase it's a day when you really get to sit back and say, " I am overly and abundantly blessed!"
I pray that no matter who you are with or how you are celebrating, you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and you get to sit back and count the blessings in your life!
Well said. Happy Thanksgiving!